On October 27-30, 2019, CompatibL will attend Money 20/20 USA, which takes place in Las Vegas, NV. This conference is a great opportunity to network and forge long-lasting business relationships! If you are looking for a partner or a vendor of trading and risk software, if you are interested in model validation solutions, or if you need reliable software development services, we’ll be pleased to meet with you during this conference. Contact us via info@compatibl.com.

About Money 20/20 USA

Founded in 2011, Money20/20 creates destination events where the most innovative people in payments, fintech, and the broader financial services industry can connect. Famed for their high-impact networking, the USA event, held in Las Vegas (October), and Europe event, held in Amsterdam (June), are widely considered unmissable by the industry they serve. Money20/20 is a space where the industry’s smartest visionaries and innovators come together to create the future of money. Money20/20 is an Ascential event.

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