We are proud to announce CompatibL has won the Best New Technology Introduced over the Last 12 Months (AI & Machine Learning) category at American Financial Technology Awards 2023.

The winning product, CompatibL’s AI, can handle jobs that may seem to be overwhelming for humans. Created to make difficult and time-consuming tasks easier, it analyzes each line of the code and control log messages, carefully examines past documents and release notes, and collates all this information in a smart way. It can also compare the resulting documents with specific lines of code.

Alexander Sokol, CompatibL’s Executive Chairman and Head of Quant Research, says:

“CompatibL’s AI significantly improves the quality of the model governance process, while making the work of analysts less repetitive and more fulfilling. Instead of going through hundreds of thousands of lines of model code, revision log messages, and prior documents manually, the client’s model governance analysts work with CompatibL software and adjust its customized Large Language Model’s prompts and settings to obtain the desired emphasis on comprehension and generative style that matches their firm’s model governance guidelines.”

Over a relatively short period, CompatibL has become synonymous with innovation. Winner of the Best Modelling Innovation category in Risk.net’s Markets Technology Awards for the last three years, the company has consistently demonstrated its unique approach to artificial intelligence —the best of AI with no compromises on human judgment and expertise.

Follow this link to learn more about the award-winning CompatibL AI for Model Governance and get in touch to book a demo.

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