This fall, CompatibL was honored to attend and sponsor Risk South Africa, the biggest event in this conference series so far, which brought together over 150 senior practitioners and industry experts from across the financial and banking sectors to help identify and understand emerging trends, risks, and opportunities.

CompatibL’s EVP of Risk, Siarhei Niaborski, Lead Quant Kirill Laschevsky, and SVP of Business Development Elena Ovsianko enjoyed networking with many delegates and taking the opportunity to share our insights and expertise in the cloud, market and credit risk, and custom development.

Cloud Adoption Special Report
Cloud Adoption Special Report
Check out CompatibL’s Cloud Adoption and Risk Report for a detailed overview of cloud adoption trends in financial services, AWS and Azure cloud adoption strategies, and barriers in migrating risk software to the cloud.

The agenda was packed with presentations, panel discussions, and networking breaks. The host of topics discussed included climate breakdown and financial stability issues, current and future strategies for risk management, the transformative power of AI and machine learning, and innovations and trends in clearing and risk management.

Delegates joined expert-led discussions over coffee to share their thoughts and insights on credit risk management issues about constrained capital, the implementation and challenges of Basel III and Basel IV in South Africa, and the South African economic and political environment.

Informal discussions about diversity and inclusion in risk and investment management were held over lunch and during a networking break.

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